
To my dearest friends working for SSE and Social Finance,

* This message is from Rev. Song, the first chairperson of SVS foundation after his 6 years of devotion and contribution to the foundation.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

(Matthew 7:13-14)

The time has come for me to bid farewell as Chair of SVS after serving for six years since the foundation’s establishment to support social economy actors. Throughout my last two terms, you have shown me such warm and sincere interest, friendship, and collaborative spirit. Words cannot express my gratitude.

I have learned invaluable lessons from the experiences you’ve generously shared with me, which have greatly benefited the development of SSE and social finance in Korea. I am confident that the SVS Foundation will continue to flourish under my soon-to-be-announced successor and our exceptional staff, who possess specialized knowledge, conviction, and a true calling. I look forward to your continued friendship and support for the team.

My personal journey in the social economy spans 35 years. While I have created many successful initiatives that have become cornerstones of Korea’s SSE development, I have also faced numerous setbacks and failures—much like the nature of life itself. Now, both these successes and failures have become treasured assets, giving me much to celebrate and remember. Socially, they have served as fertile ground and valuable lessons for many across various fields. I remain committed to supporting the SSE and social finance sector in whatever capacity I can. 

Especially for young people facing new challenges and for building a more just and peaceful world. No matter how dark and harsh the world may seem, we have a path forward. As long as people continue to face injustice, inequality, and conflict, we must persist in our journey. I believe that social economy and social finance are the beacons that illuminate our way and the force that propels us toward a more just path. 

In the coming years, I will stand alongside workers in the most precarious situations. I will dedicate myself to creating a world where their human rights are guaranteed, their working conditions are improved, and their human dignity is preserved. This embodies the same philosophy and mission I have always shared with you. 

I will forever cherish the trust and friendship you have shown through the establishment and activities of GSEF and SVS, and I will move forward courageously on my chosen path, strengthened by these bonds.

May the Lord bless you all in your future endeavors.

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

Rev. Song, Kyong-Yong