SVS 2020 progress reporting event (14:00 ~ 16:00 KST, 28th Jun)
The SVS Foundation hosted an event for reporting its 2020 project outcomes. Based on its recent publication on ‘SVS investment impact report’ last April, the event showcased various investments it made in collaboration with 15 social investment financial intermediaries, public/private sectors and local/ central governments in Korea. In 2020, SVS made investment commitments approx. 17.3million USD and has executed 12million USD in the form of investments and loans.
* The event was live-streamed via the SVS YouTube channel (in Korean)
* SVS 2021 impact report was published in last April (in Korean) (in English). The report provides detailed overview on the investments and loans that SVS has made via social investment financial intermediaries. It also explains various strategies(impact measurement methodologies and impact KPI) SVS adopted to evaluate impacts and social value created through its investments. The report also contains interviews with individual social economy enterprises from different files of social economy such as social housing, caring service, urban regeneration, health, environment/energy and social innovation.