CCVC Urban Renewal Fund
Investment Period10 years ( May 2021~May 2031)
Amount pledged300 mil. KRW
Fund size2,500 mil. KRW
Investment PartnersCooledge Corner Investment
To revitalize the economic, social, and cultural aspects of urban regeneration areas and improve the quality of life of local residents, SVS provides funding to social economy enterprises and contributes to building a sustainable urban regeneration ecosystem led by local communities. To this end, SVS formed the CCBC Our Neighborhood Urban Regeneration Fund (‘21.5.) with impact VC Coolidge Corner Investment and private investors.
Since the fund was established, we have been fostering intermediaries specializing in urban regeneration and providing KRW 17,500 million, 70% of the total amount of KRW 25,000 million, to social economy enterprises in the market entry and business expansion stages in the field of urban regeneration.
As of December 2023, the fund provided KRW 11,186 million in funding to a total of 10 companies (12 cases).