The Korea Social Value and Solidarity Foundation (SVS) publishes an annual report each year to provide transparent information on the Foundation’s projects and performance over the past year. The report represents the Foundation’s efforts to establish sustainable ecosystems for social finance and foster the social economy in Korea. It also includes data of the Foundation’s performance from 2019 to March 2024 to provide a representation of meaningful activities and outcomes. This report was created as an interactive PDF with features such as navigation to table of contents, related pages within the report and shortcuts to webpages.
Social Finance Forum 2023 4
Greetings from The Chair 10
HISTORY 2018-2023 12
HIGHLIGHTS 2019-2023 14
Part I. SVS Social Finance Ecosystem
Overview of Social Finance Provision 28
Investment and Loan Portfolio 28
Overview of Investment and Loans 30
Overview of Social Finance Investment 31
Social Finance Portfolio 32
Overview of Social Finance Provision by Type 33
Overview of Social Finance Intermediaries 34
Social Finance Intermediaries in Investment and Loan Activities 34
Overview of SVS’s Investment and Loan Activities by Intermediary Type 36
Fostering Social Finance Intermediaries 37
Overview of Social Economy Enterprises 38
Social Economy Enterprises Participating 38
in Investments and Loans Programs
Overview of Social Economy Enterprises Participating 41
in Social Finance Programs
Part II. The Impact of Investment and Loans by SVS
UN SDGs Impact Framework 44
SVS Impact Goals Classification 46
Changes in the SVS Impact Portfolio 47
Introduction of SVS 50
History of SVS 52
Financial Report 56
Overview of Income and Expenditures 56
Financial Statements 58
Partner Organizations in 2023 60